Initialize a neo4j server with Python


I want to initialize my neo4j server only with Python (without Neo4j Desktop)
Is it a way to do this ?

What I have currently found is :

  • Add a graph on Neo4j Desktop;
  • Use a neo4j package for Python to connect to the server (neo4j-python-driver for example)

Thanks in advance :slight_smile:

You should be able to do anything you want to a Neo4j instance via the python driver as long as you have your credentials via bolt connection. The Neo4j desktop isn't required to do anything but it's a great tool to help you visualize what you're doing and ensure what you're doing with the driver is correct. I've created a number of graphs with just the drivers and some excel spread sheets, though of course you can do it with CSV, JSON, etc. Are you looking for anything specific?