Hey, I've imported an ontology file to Neo4j which works just fine. But there is something that confuses me. The classes of my ontology file have only annotation properties. They don't have any object or data property. When I import the file to Neo4j, it creates node properties from some of these annotation properties. I don't understand why it takes some of these annotation properties as a node property, not all of them. I'm sharing annot. properties of a sample class and how it imports to Neo4j as an example.
My question is, how is it decided which of these annot properties will be imported as a node property? And if needed, can I set which of them should be imported as a node property?
What I discovered is that Neo4j is not importing properties that labeled as '<obo : ....>' or '<oboInOwl : ....>' . I'm sharing the same class that I've shared with the images above.
As you can see from my first entry, Neo4j missed the 'oboInOwl' properties This class don't have any 'obo' properties but it also misses them too. Is there any way to include these to my import?