I am trying to import data from my local PostgreSQL database to neo4j:
Schema: os
Table: operating_systems
Firstly, I load the JDBC driver into the memory
CALL apoc.load.driver("org.postgresql.Driver")
Then, I run this query to ingest data from postgresql
WITH "jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/graph-test?user=kt&password=mypassword" as url
CALL apoc.load.jdbc(url,"os.operating_systems") YIELD row AS line
MERGE (o:Os {name: line.name})
MERGE (of:OsFamily {name: line.familly})
MERGE (o)-[:FROM]->(of)
Unfortunately, I received this error.
Failed to invoke procedure `apoc.load.jdbc`: Caused by: java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused (Connection refused)
Could this error be caused by the incorrect URL format, jdbc plugin version, or something else?