I am importing my online postgreSQL database into my Neo4j database using the Neo-4j ETL Tool.
I am using PgAdmin 4.30 for postgreSQL 13 and Neo4j 1.4.1.
The ETL Tool says
Connection myconn saved. Connection successful. Catalog:
mydatabase, Schema: public
Mapping successful
Mapping saved successfully
Import successful
But the problem is that only the table name is imported and no relationships and no table data are imported.
The import mode "Online direct Import from SQL" or "Bulk Import" neither works.
The import log says
COMMAND: java -cp
org.neo4j.etl.NeoIntegrationCli export --mapping-file
--rdbms:password "mydatabase" --rdbms:user "user" --rdbms:url "jdbc:postgresql://port/mydatabase?ssl=false"
--options-file "C:\Users*user*\AppData\Local\Temp/import-tool-options.json" --using
"cypher:fromSQL" --unwind-batch-size 1000 --tx-batch-size 10000
--neo4j:database-name mydb --neo4j:url "bolt://localhost:7687" --neo4j:user "user" --neo4j:password "password" LOG:
- Reading options from file C:\Users*user*\AppData\Local\Temp\import-tool-options.json.
- Reading metadata mapping from file: C:\Users*user*\AppData\Local\Temp/postgresql_mydb_mapping.json
- Direct driver instance 1971764991 created for server address localhost:7687
- Running ETL on Neo4j 4.1.0 - ENTERPRISE
- Direct driver instance 2063763486 created for server address localhost:7687
- Starting reading metadataMapping
- Creating constraints on nodes
- Creating constraint for label table1 and properties (table1)
- Creating constraint for label table2 and properties (table2)
- Creating constraint for label table3 and properties (table3)
- Creating constraint for label table4 and properties (table4)
- Creating constraint for label table5 and properties (table5)
- Creating constraint for label table6 and properties (table6)
- Creating constraint for label table7 and properties (table7)
- Creating nodes with label table1
- Creating nodes with label table2
- Creating nodes with label table3
- Creating nodes with label table4
- Creating nodes with label table5
- Creating nodes with label table6
- Creating nodes with label table7
- Creating relationships of type rel1
- Creating relationships of type rel2
- Creating relationships of type rel3
- Creating relationships of type rel4
- Creating relationships of type rel5
- Creating relationships of type rel6
- Data imported with errors. Below the list of errors.
- For exception NullPointerException we got the following errors:
- Process failed null
- Closing driver instance 2063763486
- Closing connection pool towards localhost:7687
Please help me or suggest me what to do. I don't know what to do here.
Any help will be appreciated.