I'm using neo4j Python driver, connecting to my AuraDB instance.
I wonder if I can create a in-memory database connection for unit testing purpose. I know in Java you could achieve this by using `.ImpermanentGraphDatabase()` method. Is there such a thing in Python driver for AuraDB?
Not in-memory, I think you can use docker e.g. via testcontainers.
Could you provide a link to a tutorial on this please?
You can find a generic tutorial here: https://testcontainers-python.readthedocs.io/en/latest/.
You just need to adapt the MySQL example with the built-in Neo4j container instead.
Hi florent,
I've read the link you provided. I believe it must be very authoritative, however as a beginner with the concept of container I'm trying very hard to understand how it works. Is there a beginner-friendly entry level readings on how this container for testing work you would recommend?