Does anyone have difficulty connecting to the Neo4j AuraDB from AWS nodejs Lambda?
My code connects to the Neo4j AuraDB and all test cases runs locally.
The same code do not appear to connect to the Neo4j AuraDB when it is deployed in AWS Lambda.
The lambda is running as a 'public' lambda (i.e. not in a VPC) and it definitely have internet access.
I have set up the driver to show logging at the debug level.
In the local test cases, I can see debug statements showing Connection established.
But in the lambda logs, none of these debug statements are showing.
It just doesn't seem to be able to connect to Neo4j AuraDB.
We initialise the driver at container startup (outside the actual lambda function) and then the function is responsible for creating and closing sessions. This way concurrent lamdba executions share the driver but create and destroy their own sessions.
The driver is destroyed when the container is shut down - we haven't worked out how to gracefully close the driver as the container is shutdown, but we haven't experienced any problems with not doing that.