How to export my graph to RDF

Hi, I am pretty new to Neo4j and the Graph Data Science Library. And I want to export the whole graph from my neo4j graph into RDF format. I studied the n10s documentation and tried to use

call  n10s.rdf.export.cypher("match(n) return n",{stream:True})

call n10s.rdf.export.cypher("MATCH (n)-[r]-(m) RETURN n,r, m")

But none of them work, the query results are empty.

But when I execute match(n) return n, the result is

So how can I export this graph in RDF format?


Difficult to say without some additional context.
Is the graph the result of importing RDF?
If it's not, then you don't need an GraphConfig so if there is one I suggest deleting it

call n10s.graphconfig.drop()

Can you give this a try and let us know if that solves the problem?
