My graph is like:
The purple node PATENT is what I want to calculate.
I tried to write a piece of code to calculate and query one of the patents, the jaccard score of Device.
MATCH (n:Patent{patent_title:'一种机器人建图定位方法'})-[:has]->(c:Device)<-[:has]-(other:Patent)
with n,other,count(c) as intersection,collect(c.name) as collection
match (n)-[:has]->(nc:Device)
with n,other,intersection,collection,collect(nc.name) as s1
match (other)-[:has]->(oc:Device)
with n,other,intersection,collection,s1,collect(oc.name) as s2
with n,other,intersection,s1,s2,[x IN s2 where not x IN s1] as s21
with n,other,intersection,s1+s21 as uni,s1,s2
return n.patent_title,other.patent_title,s1,s2,((1.0*intersection)/SIZE(uni)) as jaccard
order by jaccard DESC
limit 20
As you can see in the schema, Patent got some other type nodes linked with. Besides [Device], I want to calculate with [Field]\[Imp]\[Env]\[Algorithm]\[topic00]\[topic01]... and all other types of nodes.
So I was trying to calculate all results to be j1(named jaccard1),j2,j3,j4.... and sum all the jaccard scores to be jsum?
order by jsum DESC
My expression may be a little confused...
I can only calculate one jaccard scores and order by this, I don't know how to calculate all other scores at the same time and order by jsum.
Thank you!
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