How do I install the Community version of Neo4j on Windows so that I can use Neo4j-admin to import CSV files?

How do I install the Community version of Neo4j on Windows so that I can use Neo4j-admin to import CSV files?

I tried installing the Desktop version, but the folder that provides access to neo4j-admin is compressed.

I tried copying that compressed folder "" to C:\ and then decompressing it, I then tried running bin\neo4j console from that folder and there was no option for the community version, only the enterprise version.

A few months ago, my manager was able to download the community version of Neo4j for Windows which did not include the Desktop. He was able to run bin\neo4j console and bin\neo4j-admin from that version.

Is there a way to download the Neo4j community for Windows without the Desktop as my manager did? If not, how do I use neo4j-admin to batch load large CSV files?


go to Neo4j Deployment Center - Graph Database & Analytics and click the buttons as described

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