First, I am continuously learning new ways in Neo4j and APOC, have tried ingesting from CSVs and exporting using APOC and querying methods. I am also researching knowledge sites as I learn and explore methods in Desktop 1.3.x
For this type of query, I have ingested data like the pattern below. I am unable to find a path and list all Schools and Games that are common between Child 1 and Child 2, for example. I tried to follow the apoc.coll.intersection example on this link but could not replicate and result was , not sure if it applies to this case, Performing match intersection - Knowledge Base
Appreciate any suggestions or solution as I tried [*1..2] and [*1..3], obviously with different results, not sure if either is correct to use.
MATCH path = (Parents:PARENT)-[*1..3]-(Games:GAME)
where“Child1" OR“Child2"
How does the solution change to know the path and list all Games (regardless of Schools) that are common between Child 1 and Child 2?
Thanks for your help.