Help Needed to Define Schema

I have a simple tree structure consisting of Nodes and "CHILD_OF_NODE" relationships

My Server Schema:

type Node {
	ID: ID!
	name: String

type branch @relation(name: "CHILD_OF_NODE"){
	index: Int

type Query {
	tree(root: String):[branch]
			MATCH path = (:Node{name:$root})<-[branch:CHILD_OF_NODE*1..]-(to:Node)
				with to,nodes(path)[-2] as from, last(branch) as branch
				RETURN branch{.ID, .index, to, from}

I can run the cypher sucessfully in the Neo4j browser, but cannot query with Graphql Playground.

{tree(root: "Root"){
  from{ID name}
  to{ID name}

The following is returned.

"stacktrace": [
            "TypeError: Cannot read property 'value' of undefined",
            "    at getRelationTypeDirective (/home/rchevalier/dev/grand-stack/api/node_modules/neo4j-graphql-js/dist/utils.js:775:7)",
            "    at buildCypherSelection (/home/rchevalier/dev/grand-stack/api/node_modules/neo4j-graphql-js/dist/selections.js:311:68)",
            "    at customQuery (/home/rchevalier/dev/grand-stack/api/node_modules/neo4j-graphql-js/dist/translate.js:825:68)",
            "    at translateQuery (/home/rchevalier/dev/grand-stack/api/node_modules/neo4j-graphql-js/dist/translate.js:671:12)",
            "    at cypherQuery (/home/rchevalier/dev/grand-stack/api/node_modules/neo4j-graphql-js/dist/index.js:229:40)",
            "    at _callee$ (/home/rchevalier/dev/grand-stack/api/node_modules/neo4j-graphql-js/dist/index.js:103:31)",
            "    at tryCatch (/home/rchevalier/dev/grand-stack/api/node_modules/@babel/runtime-corejs2/node_modules/regenerator-runtime/runtime.js:63:40)",
            "    at Generator.invoke [as _invoke] (/home/rchevalier/dev/grand-stack/api/node_modules/@babel/runtime-corejs2/node_modules/regenerator-runtime/runtime.js:293:22)",
            "    at (/home/rchevalier/dev/grand-stack/api/node_modules/@babel/runtime-corejs2/node_modules/regenerator-runtime/runtime.js:118:21)",
            "    at asyncGeneratorStep (/home/rchevalier/dev/grand-stack/api/node_modules/@babel/runtime-corejs2/helpers/asyncToGenerator.js:5:24)"

There is certainly something wrong with my schema. I've tried dozens of combinations to no avail. Any help is appreciated.

I opened the file mentioned in the first line of the stack trace. It seems I'm getting an error here:

var getRelationTypeDirective = function getRelationTypeDirective(relationshipType) {
  var directive = relationshipType && relationshipType.directives ? relationshipType.directives.find(function (e) {
    return === 'relation';
  }) : undefined;
  return directive ? {
    name: directive.arguments.find(function (e) {
      return === 'name';
    from: directive.arguments.find(function (e) {
      return === 'from';
    to: directive.arguments.find(function (e) {
      return === 'to';
  } : undefined;

This makes me think that my cypher query is not returning the correct shape. This is what my cyper returns in the neo4j browser. Does this look right?

{"index":"1","from":{"name":"Root","ID":"8e21d55c-a9f1-42d6-86be-395956b4a21b"},"ID":"15dd5565-b97f-4fd1-b6ae-498244e8b190","to":{"name":"Grapplegrommet Assembly","ID":"dad4996│

So this is directly from the docs:

type User {
    userId: ID!
    name: String
    rated: [Rated]

type Rated @relation(name: "RATED") {
    from: User
    to: Movie
    rating: Float
    review: String

In your provided example:

type Node {
	ID: ID!
	name: String

type branch @relation(name: "CHILD_OF_NODE"){
	index: Int

On your Node type you're not specifying the relation anywhere. I think it would need to be something like:

type Node {
   ID: ID!
   name: String
   childOf: CHILD_OF_NODE

Would work I think.

Thanks for the response Michael.

Sadly the server crashes with Error: Unknown type "CHILD_OF_NODE"

This will yield a nice listing of the parents and children of each node:

type Node {
	ID: ID!
	name: String
	parent:[Node] @relation(name: "CHILD_OF_NODE", direction: IN) 
	child:[Node] @relation(name: "CHILD_OF_NODE", direction: OUT) 

Like so:


        "name": "Assy 2",
        "parent": [
            "name": "Part 2"
            "name": "Part 1"
        "child": [
            "name": "Assy 5"
            "name": "Assy 1"

But I'm not seeing how that helps me to return a branch, which is:


The tree query returns the tree nicely in Neo4j but not in the the playground.

MATCH path = (:Node{name:"Assy 1"})<-[branch:CHILD_OF_NODE*1..]-(to:Node)
				with to,nodes(path)[-2] as from, last(branch) as branch
				RETURN branch{.ID, .index, to, from}

One row of Neo4j browser results:
"from":{"name":"Assy 1","ID":"79a862cf-91b1-45e8-8681-205f6488a631"},
"to":{"name":"Assy 2","ID":"e8dbbb3c-d8c7-4738-a9a7-f09ea27450e2"}

You're more than likely going to have to write it using the @cypher directive and do some custom logic.