I have simple neo4j & graphql example. Here is my typeDefs:
const typeDefs = `
type Employee {
eid: ID!
name: String!
title: String!
email: String
reportees: [Employee] @relation(name: "REPORTS_TO", direction: "BOTH")
type Query {
getAllEmployees: [Employee] @cypher(statement: "MATCH (a:EMP)<-[:REPORTS_TO]-(b:EMP) RETURN a, b")
getEmployee(name: String): [Employee] @cypher(statement: "MATCH (e:EMP) WHERE e.name contains $name RETURN e")
I'm able to fetch all data except reportees, which is always blank. What am I missing here? Here is sample cypher create scripts I used for this example.
CREATE (gma:EMP {eid:"1", name: “George Hill”, title:”President", email:”g.hill@test.com"})
CREATE (aba:EMP {eid:"2", name: “Anna Syntel”, title:”Manager”, email:”Anna.s@test.com"})
CREATE (noa:EMP {eid:"3", name: “Nagz Hello”, title:”Developer”, email:”n.hello@test.com"})