Hello it's Michael from Canada! [Neo4j, bioinformatics, text mining, rdf/linked data]

Hi everyone,

Very excited to be a part of the Neo4j community and here's a little bit about me:

I am a master's student completing a thesis project on how disease mechanisms work in COVID-19 and associated comorbidities. Neo4j was recommended to me by a colleague and I have really enjoyed using it so far. Admittedly, I am still quite new to a lot of the jargon but I am learning lots each day. I hope to learn from and share with each of you as I continue to build essential knowledge and skills.

If you are involved in text mining, bioinformatics, Linked Data/RDF, please feel free to comment or shoot me a message. It would be great to discuss common issues and insights with someone else in any of these fields.

Hope to connect soon,

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Hi Mike
Welcome to the community; in case of any need; kindly let us know
Best rgds

Hello Mike

 If you need help to Load Triples/RDF data into Neo4j,please message me.I will try to offer some help if there is a need.

Best rgds