Hello from Vincent, France about historical and population studies

Hi! Happy to greet everybody. Retired, I am working in the framework of historical studies on analysing XIXth century data mainly from civil registries (birth, death, unions) but others also in order to describe the sociological, economical and cultural evolutions in a small French village (around 1500 inhabitants) from French Revolution until First WW. I am presently capable of a mini Graph data base of some 1000 persons with relations ships of union, child, residence, profession confirming me that Neo4j is a good tool for that also. So I will go on full scale now but as the records are to be digitalized first this will take me quite a time. Looking thro the projects forum I have the feeling that no one else seems working on such type of project mixing history and human population. I hope I am wrong and I am ready to share issues and problems with anyone interested of course.
Best regards to all

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