I need some help with full text search.
I have created an index like so:
CALL db.index.fulltext.createNodeIndex("ReasourceName",["Resource"],["name"])
I can query it and get results:
CALL db.index.fulltext.queryNodes('ReasourceName', 'bmc pumping station~') YIELD node, score
WITH node, score
RETURN node.name, score
limit 10
│"node.name"│"score" │
│"BMC Pumping Station" │8.143752098083496 │
│"BMC Office" │2.944127082824707 │
│"BMC Office" │2.944127082824707 │
│"BMC Dispensary" │2.944127082824707 │
│"BMC Office" │2.944127082824707 │
│"BMC Dispensary" │2.944127082824707 │
│"BMC Office" │2.944127082824707 │
│"Police Station" │2.6569595336914062│
│"Momo Station" │2.6569595336914062│
│"BMC Shikshak Bhavan" │2.515393018722534 │
However it performs poorly if the input query differs in whitespace. For example, I would expect the query "bmcpumpingstation" to have a similar result set, however it returns nothing.