Graph Data Science gds.similarity.cosine()

Hi all,
I am using neo4j 5.24 enterprise version (In my local Ubuntu) with gds 2.12 . I am trying to use gds.similarity.cosine(). But I can't see the procedure, when i try to see the procedure list.
" CALL gds.list(); " , How can use the procedure ? Is there any way to do that ?

Hey @monirkhan.uttam ,
There is a subtle difference for gds.similarity.cosine. Its only a cypher function and not a procedure. This means you dont need a CALL clause but can be used inside other clauses such as RETURN or WITH.
Tiny example:

RETURN gds.similarity.jaccard(
  [1.0, null, 3.0],
  [1.0, 2.0, 3.0]
) AS jaccardSimilarity

(see Similarity functions - Neo4j Graph Data Science)