After the Data Import using the Data Importer app, this Cypher should return true:
MATCH ()-[r]->()
WITH count(r) AS Relationships
WITH count(n) as Nodes, Relationships
CALL apoc.meta.nodeTypeProperties( ) yield propertyTypes, totalObservations
with Relationships, Nodes, sum(totalObservations) AS numProperties
CALL apoc.meta.nodeTypeProperties( ) yield propertyTypes, totalObservations
with * where propertyTypes = ["Long"] OR propertyTypes = ["Double"]
with Relationships, Nodes, numProperties, sum(totalObservations) AS numNumericProperties
RETURN Relationships + Nodes + numProperties + numNumericProperties = 12417 as outcome
If your Cypher does not return true, then you have some extra labels, property keys etc. in the graph.
MATCH (n) DETACH DELETE n will remove all nodes and relationships in the graph, but does not remove property keys and constraints. If you want to really start from nothing for the data import, try this command: