MATCH p=(user)-[r1:roles]->(role1:`Role`)-[:include*0..]->(role2:`Role`)
I need to get only relationships with type include
from the cypher above. Thanks.
MATCH p=(user)-[r1:roles]->(role1:`Role`)-[:include*0..]->(role2:`Role`)
I need to get only relationships with type include
from the cypher above. Thanks.
You can use relationships(p)
to get the list of relationships in the path, and you can combine that with a filter to only get the ones that are of type include
MATCH p=(user)-[r1:roles]->(role1:`Role`)-[:include*0..]->(role2:`Role`)
WITH [rel in relationships(p) WHERE type(rel) = 'include'] as includeRels
Thanks @andrew_bowman