Hey guys,
This is my first time posting here so please bare with me if this post's format isn't up to standard. Basically, I am trying to get all of the paths of varying lengths from a node up to its parents.
This is the query that I was using to get my result and it is working perfectly but it gives me this warning:
This feature is deprecated and will be removed in future versions.
Binding relationships to a list in a variable length pattern is deprecated. (Binding a variable length relationship pattern to a variable ('r') is deprecated and will be unsupported in a future version. The recommended way is to bind the whole path to a variable, then extract the relationships:
MATCH p = (...)-[...]-(...)
WITH *, relationships(p) AS r)
Cypher Query:
</MATCH path = (n:Patent)<-[r:PATENT_REFERENCES*]-(p1:Patent) where n.uuid='524b2129-b661-46fb-9a9a-60adf23cf2dd' return distinct length(path) as Path_Length, [n in nodes(path)|n.uuid] as the_path order by length(path)>
I am trying to make a new query which will give me the same output but won't be deprecated in future versions. Can someone please help me convert this query so that this warning does not pop up.
My current progress:
</MATCH p = (n:Patent{uuid:'524b2129-b661-46fb-9a9a-60adf23cf2dd'})<-[r:PATENT_REFERENCES]-(p1:Patent) with * return distinct length(p) as Path_Length,[x in nodes(p)|x.uuid] as the_path;>
This query executes but it only gives paths from the node to its immediate parents and all of the paths that I get are of length 1 whereas the previous query produced paths of varying lengths 1,2, and 3.
I am using Neo4j Desktop to execute my queries. You can imagine that this query is running on (Patent)-(PATENT_REFERENCES)->(Patent) type of connections.