I'm using the latest versions of neo4j desktop and database. I'm doing some development locally and using this query:
match (w:Well)
where w.operator is not null
with w.operator as well_o
merge (o:Operator {name: well_o})
set (o)-[:OPERATES]->(w)
return o, w
I'm getting this error:
Neo.ClientError.Statement.SyntaxError: Invalid input 'r': expected whitespace, comment, a relationship pattern or '.' (line 6, column 1 (offset: 129))
"return o, w"
If I run the first half of the query it creates the operator nodes no problem. Am I running too many operations in one go? I'm not quite sure what else it's expecting.
CREATE p=(MATHI{name:"SRIMATHI"})-[r:topper_of]-[]->(TAMIL{name :"TAMILNADU"})-[]->[r:winner_of]-[*]->(cse{name:"ANNA UNIVERSITY IN CSE DEPT"})