GDS- ML -Catalogue

GDS Version 2.4.4
Neo4j Desktop 5.11.0

  1. I converted relational data of multiple CSV into a Graph model in Aura DB
  2. Created Dump File and Loaded it with Neo4j Desktop - to have access to GraphDataScience (GDS) library
  3. Connected GDS with Python
  4. Now Trying to do a Link Prediction using GDS.

problem :slight_smile:

  1. I could not find the Graph name: Where can I search? - since GDS required-> ml calling all need the graph name.
CALL gds.graph.list(
  graphName: String
  graphName: String,
  database: String,
  configuration: Map,
  nodeCount: Integer,
  relationshipCount: Integer,
  schema: Map,
  schemaWithOrientation: Map,
  degreeDistribution: Map,
  density: Float,
  creationTime: Datetime,
  modificationTime: Datetime,
  sizeInBytes: Integer,
  memoryUsage: String
  1. when I tested this "return gds.graph.list();" there was no display and syntax error

kindly assist me in this, thanks in advance.

You need to project your graph. You label the projection when you perform the projection. This the thre graph name used in gds procedures.

Look at native and cypher projections in this document.