Hi - just evaluating Neo4J for our company - and thought I'd try the academy training. Didn't take long to gets stuck :(
As far as I can see Emil Eifrem didn't act in any movie. This query:
MATCH (p:Person)-[:ACTED_IN]->(m:Movie)
WHERE p:Person = 'Emil Eifrem'
RETURN m.title
returns no response.
Can someone give me a clue as to what I'm doing wrong?
@sjoffe, in the graph view of the browser, click the Emil Eifrem node. Then if you click the expand icon, you will be able to see all relationships from the Emil node.
Running into a similar issue. It appears there are no Person nodes with the name "Emil Eifrem" in the dataset. Also tried exporting the names of all Person nodes in the dataset to csv and I'm not seeing any that resemble "Emile Eifrem".
EDIT: Looks like it was an issue with the testing environment. It works going to http://sandbox.neo4j.com/.