DWH Connector - Snowflake to Neo4j

I am trying to get the dwh connector working for data ingestion from Snowflake to Neo4j following the git documentation : GitHub - neo4j-contrib/neo4j-dwh-connector.

Intiially, I used a snowflake jdbc connector, spark connector to use a dataframe and ingest data into neo4j and was able to do it using python code.

However, i am trying to the same using the python API that I downloaded from the git link mentioned above and I am getting an attirbute error.

Has someone tried python API and got it working?

Error I get:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/Users/n0211697/PycharmProjects/pythonProject/Snowflakeneo4j/main.py", line 70, in
connector = Neo4jDWHConnector(SparkSession, config)
File "/Users/n0211697/Downloads/SnowflakeNeo4j/neo4j-dwh-connector_2.13-1.0.1_for_spark_3.jar/neo4j_dwh_connector/connector.py", line 15, in init
File "/Users/n0211697/Downloads/SnowflakeNeo4j/neo4j-dwh-connector_2.13-1.0.1_for_spark_3.jar/neo4j_dwh_connector/_utils.py", line 5, in _to_java_value
AttributeError: 'property' object has no attribute '_jvm'

Process finished with exit code 1

Is spark-submit a working solution compared to python API ?
