Hi, this is my first post, I've been picking up Neo4j a lifetime of standard DB and I am stuck at a probleme that I can't solve. I've tried going through the forum but I have yet to find a solution
I am required to dump an entire node into a file (format not important, could be csv or json) and this is my code which is a basic Match all:
def get_node(self, node_name): with self.driver.session() as session: result = session.read_transaction(self._find_and_return_node, node_name) i=0 for record in result: i+=1 print("Found record {i} : {record}".format(record=record,i=i)) data = record["end_date"] print(data) #print("Detail : {record}".format(record=record.properties, i=i)) @staticmethod def _find_and_return_node(tx, node_name): query = ( "MATCH (n:"+node_name+") RETURN n AS name" ) result = tx.run(query).data() return [record["name"] for record in result]
This works when the node is small (around 5000 elements). However, for huge nodes (100k elements ), my script fails miserably and rage quits after awhile. (no error, just a SIGKILL). Is there another way to accomplish what I set out to do? Am I missing something.