Driver.verify_connectivity() results with None


why don't I get any driver information even though I'm connected (db reacts to the code)? Aura DB free instance.

Hi :wave: Can you please elaborate a little bit?

  • What driver information are you looking for?
  • What exactly do you mean by "db reacts to the code"?
  • What do you want to achieve?
  • What have you tried?

If you are looking for general guidance on how to get started using your Neo4j instance from Python, I can highly recommend our driver manual Build applications with Neo4j and Python - Neo4j Python Driver Manual as well as the graph academy

Oh sorry. I was on mobile and missed the title :person_facepalming:

If you have a look at the API docs of verify_connectivity you'll see that it's supposed to return nothing. If it returns None, that means that you've successfully connected. If not, an error would've been raised: API Documentation — Neo4j Python Driver 5.8

Note also, that verify_connectivity used to return server information before version 5.0 but that was undocumented and changed. If you need server information, there now is get_server_info API Documentation — Neo4j Python Driver 5.8

Thanks Rouven. I am trying things out in accordance with the academy. Sometimes I sidestep to other sources and this time I got doubt from this:

As I now understand someone's driver info comes from the fact of under 5.0 version.