Here is my transaction function, the whole code is too many pages to post. Was wondering why this is not returning anything in result (e.g. result.single() == None).
I am sending it using session.read_transaction(self._getUser, user_id)
This is something I can't really debug without being a Neo4j driver author.
I encountered the same issue in Python, all queries returning empty results, however in my case it was a simple object lifetime issue. The official neo4j driver works fine.
This occurred after updating from version 1.7.6 to 4.x.x
What I did was returning a result within the with:
driver = GraphDatabase.driver(...)
with driver.session() as session:
On exiting the with, it closes the session, and the results are no longer accessible. Interestingly there is a difference in behaviour of the python driver between old (pre 4) and new versions.