Database failed to start: DB [database-02706ad0-a3b6-4e2f-a67e-457b608eb3ac] 'v3.5.14' exited with status 'KILLED'. Check the logs

I opened the Neo4j sandbox. There I clicked on a new project. Then it asks me to choose a Projekt. Which project should I choose? There are many.. Network It, Panama papers.. Etc. And afterwards when I launch it, it says that it expires in 3 days. After that I can extend for more days and. After that I cannot any more. What happens with my created data base? I will describe you my issue. I need to give my visualization to my prof till 05.07 Till then I want to create my visualization. It doesn't take much time but ecerytime appears error in the desktop and it slows me.. So, my question is, what would you recommend me. If I use the sandbox, I have max 10 days because of the expiry date. Can I longer work with the same data base. And on the end just send the visualisated data base to my prof. It is really very important for me. Thanks

irler, hi

do you know good the sand box. Can you discribe me in steps what i shoud du from the beginning to the end. I tell you what i must do. I must till 05.07 give my visualization code to my prof. But i am new to the neo4j, i learned only how to code, but i don''t know how i can share this code and visualisation after that. So my question. Can i work with the neo4j sandbox and after that share my code and visualisation with my professor. In the sandbox it is said that i have only 3 days and after that i can extend only once for 7 days. What happens after that with my data base? What shoud i do. Is it completely free, should i pay after these 3+7 = 10 days are over. I deny to work with the desktop, error appears only and it slows me much.. So what would you recommend me, i would be really very grateful, :slight_smile:

how can we help, if you never said nothing about your problem, never named your PC, or system, never showed some code, never showed any log? It seems you don't even read the manuals and our answers. Or have you tried some advice? If so, show the results.

this permits to dump the db. read:
Now the steps for a totally newbee PC user, as you seem to be:

a)open Explore file
b)select the .../import directory of your neo4j db.
c)right click inside, select new text file
d)give it the name dump.bat (eliminate the .txt extension!)
e)open this dump.bat (right click on it, select modify)
f) paste all my given file content, eventually change dbname instead of mydb
g) essential is only the second line, the first creates a filename with date
h)save dump.bat
i)"right select+copy directory name as text": the name of the directory to clipboard
j)open a command prompt (a black rectangle)
k)write "cd " + insert (ctrl-V) to change directory, must finish with ../import
l)write dump.bat + enter , wait, after some seconds you see feedback, hopefully positive
m) the directory there should be a new file with the chosen file name
n) this file can be copied in .../import of a newly created db and loaded with my load.bat file from above

Now to your nice images, it seems your goal is to create a graph with German Ceos etc. and permit an info system to identify multiple responsibilities or even incompatibilies.
The whole graph (match (n).. ) is almost useless and of doubtful privacy aspects.
Think of inverting all relationships and attach properties instead of long names; could facilitate some queries.
To show your approach to someone (professor?), build cypher queries which show for single persons or enterprises, who is responsible, something like:
match (n:Person)-[r]->(m) where id(n)=46 return n,r,m (gets 3 nodes)
Think of more complicated queries, like "who has a double post", etc.

these query result can be shown like your attached images to your tutor;

using the neo4j sandbox is not easy: you must first export your Desktop db with apoc.export.csv.all(), create in sandbox an empty db, copy/paste the csv file in the left import box and cypher: LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM "file:///csvfile.csv" AS row CREATE (n:X) SET n = row
If successful, find the relationships in the last columns of the csv (perhaps in via spreadsheet), create with adequate cypher the relations, etc.

in Aura, almost identical, only to payed, GOOD LUCK, my patience id almost exhausted

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