Cypher's filter is not supported

I have e problem with 'filter'. It is no supported .

Query is a part from "GraphGist - Information Flow Through a Network"

Query 4
// Find all unique, simple paths from one city to another
MATCH p=(:City { name: "Tokyo" })-[:BACKBONE_TO*]-(:City { name: "Chicago" })
WHERE all(c IN nodes(p) WHERE 1=length(filter(m IN nodes(p) WHERE m=c)))
RETURN DISTINCT extract(n IN nodes(p) | AS Path, length(p) AS Length


Filter is no longer supported. Please use list comprehension instead (line 2, column 40 (offset: 118))
"WHERE all(c IN nodes(p) WHERE 1=length(filter(m IN nodes(p) WHERE m=c)))"

How to transform it to working query ?

Hello @ilko.k.v :slight_smile:

You must use a comprehension list:

// Find all unique, simple paths from one city to another
MATCH p=(:City {name: "Tokyo"})-[:BACKBONE_TO*]-(:City {name: "Chicago"})
WHERE all(c IN nodes(p) WHERE 1=size([m IN nodes(p) WHERE m=c]))
RETURN DISTINCT [n IN nodes(p) |] AS Path, length(p) AS Length


I try with

MATCH p=(:City { name: "Tokyo" })-[:BACKBONE_TO*]-(:City { name: "Chicago" })
WHERE all(c IN nodes(p) WHERE 1=length(RETURN[m IN nodes(p) WHERE m=c]))
RETURN DISTINCT extract(n IN nodes(p) | AS Path, length(p) AS Length

But return error:
Invalid input 'WHERE': expected
"=" ...

There is no extract in the query I gave you. I also replaced it with a comprehension list.

Error is coming from "WHERE 1="

Why is there a RETURN in your WHERE clause?

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Thank you Cobra :slightly_smiling_face:


MATCH p=(:City { name: "Tokyo" })-[:BACKBONE_TO*]-(:City { name: "Chicago" })
WHERE all(c IN nodes(p) WHERE 1=size([m IN nodes(p) WHERE m=c]))
RETURN DISTINCT [n IN nodes(p) |] AS Path, length(p) AS Length

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The Graph Gist Example should be updated now. Thanks for raising it.