I am trying to simplify a working query, but am getting unexpected results.
In my example graph, I have Users and Articles. The only relationship is (u:User) -[:HAS_READ]->(a:Article) . Users and Articles have Names.
I am trying to build a "weak tie" query that returns the Name of an article that has a given "distance" (measured by number of Users in the path) from a starting User. In a simple case of a "distance" of 1, an Article 2 is returned if User 1 has read Article 1, which User 2 had also read. User 2, in this case, has also read Article 2, which User 1 has not read.
I have a long query already working for distances of 2 and 3, but I want to try to simplify it.
Here is my latest query for distance=2 that does not return an error (but isn't working as expected):
MATCH (u1:User {Name: "Bob"})-[:HAS_READ]->(a1:Article)<-[:HAS_READ]-(u2:User)-[:HAS_READ]->(a2:Article)<-[:HAS_READ]-(u3:User)-[:HAS_READ]->(a3:Article)
WHERE NOT (u1)-[:HAS_READ]-(a3) AND NOT (u2)-[:HAS_READ]-(a3)
The problem: depending on the path, a User can be in the list of u2 Users and u3 Users, so I am getting Articles that have been read by a u2 User.
I know how to do this with collect and WITH (using a very long-winded query), but is there a way to filter out Users who are in both u2 and u3 collections in the WHERE clause? When I try using collect in the WHERE clause, I get an error.
Here is an example query that returns an error:
MATCH (u1:User {Name: "Bob"})-[:HAS_READ]->(a1:Article)<-[:HAS_READ]-(u2:User)-[:HAS_READ]->(a2:Article)<-[:HAS_READ]-(u3:User)-[:HAS_READ]->(a3:Article)
WHERE NOT (u1)-[:HAS_READ]-(a3) AND NONE (x in collect(u2) WHERE x in collect(u3))
The error: "Invalid use of aggregating function collect(...) in this context"
I am probably just missing some obvious Cypher concept or simple syntax (I hope), or I'm trying to simplify something which cannot be simplified...
Just for kicks, here is a working (long) query for distance = 2:
MATCH (u1:User {Name: "Bob"})-[:HAS_READ]-(a1:Article)-[:HAS_READ]-(u2:User)-[:HAS_READ]-(a2:Article)
WHERE NOT (u1)-[:HAS_READ]-(a2)
WITH u1,collect(u2) as u2_list,a2
MATCH (a2)-[:HAS_READ]-(u3:User)-[:HAS_READ]-(a3:Article)
WHERE NOT (u1)-[:HAS_READ]-(a3)
WITH a2,a3,u2_list,collect(u3) as u3_list
MATCH (a2)-[:HAS_READ]-(u3)-[:HAS_READ]-(a3)
WHERE NONE (x in u3_list WHERE x in u2_list)