Cypher Queries for NEO4J Community Edition: Unabel To create the Roles, Attach the Roles to Users, Add the Database Permissions (read only or admin) to the Roles

I am using the NEO4J community edition but having issues with some cypher queries

  1. I am not able to grant the roles because the GRANT command is not working.

The error message is below:

Unsupported administration command: GRANT ROLE reader TO xyz

  1. I am not able to create the roles in the NEO4J community edition using the command CREATE ROLE reader.

The error message is as follows:

Unsupported administration command: CREATE ROLE reader

  1. I am trying to add the adminstrator permission to all the neo4j databases to the role (for ex:- admin) using the command GRANT ACCESS ON DATABASE * TO admin but I don't think this will be executed as well since we are able to create the roles as shown in the point number 2.

The above cypher queries are working for the NEO4J Enterprise Edition but are not executable in the NEO4J Community Edition

Can you please suggest me to resolve the above 3 issues I am facing?


There is no detail here regarding what version of Neo4j is in play here, but assuming a v5x then

as from Manage roles - Operations Manual

this is a Neo4j Enterprise only functionality

Further Introduction - Operations Manual describes functionality per Community vs Enterprise and indicates

and whereby the 2nd column in display above represents if the functionality is available in Community and the 3rd column represents if the functionality is available in Enterprise

@dana_canzano , Thank you for the quick response.
But Is there any other way to manage the permission levels for various roles (role based permission access).
I mean if we have the role with name admin, the role should have complete adminstrator access on all the databases.
If we have the role with the name viewer, the role should have the read only access on all the databases.

Is there any possible alternative way in the neo4j community edition if the role based access control is not possible in community?

Is there any possible query or any other way to create the roles in the community edition?


There is no detail here regarding what version of Neo4j is in play here, but assuming a v5x then

is this v5? or some other ?


Is there any possible alternative way in the neo4j community edition if the role based access control is not possible in community?

Is there any possible query or any other way to create the roles in the community edition?

isnt that effectively what enterprise does?

Hi @dana_canzano

The version of the NEO4j community edition is 5.18.1.
I need the solutions for those above 2 questions especially for community edition.

We are using NEO4J enterprise edition internally and there is no issue with the user, role creation and permission level attachment to the roles.

But for clients access purpose, we are using the dedicated NEO4J community edition (cost optimised) and here I am unable to do those things.

Could you please help me with any possible solution for the above questions related to NEO4J community edition (v5.18.1)


As per my prior post, the functionality is not available in community edition