When I try to run the following query to complete this lesson, I get an error message.
CREATE CONSTRAINT Person_name_url_nodekey IF NOT EXISTS FOR (x:Person) REQUIRE (x.name,x.url) IS NODE KEY
Error message:
Unable to create Constraint( type='NODE KEY', schema=(:Person {name, url}) ): Node(11941) with label Person must have the properties (name, url)
Any idea why this is happening? I tried looking up the node with ID 11941 but nothing was being returned.
It looks like the Person node doesn´t have the properties name and url
I´ve run the same query in my Graph where I Know theres not name and url properties in my node "RESPONSABLE" and i get the same error message :
Unable to create Constraint( type='NODE KEY', schema=(:RESPONSABLE {name, url}) ): Node(11578) with label RESPONSABLE must have the properties (name, url)
try this to see if properties are present :
MATCH(p:Person) RETURN keys(p) LIMIT 1
or this other by Id
MATCH (p:PERSON) WHERE id(p)=11941 RETURN keys(r)