I'm using Neo4j Server Version: 5.14.0 (community)
Neo4j Browser Version: 5.12.0
I'm trying to import data from a large csv present in my Nexus, below is the cypher query. While executing this query it run's for an hour and it fails with Connection reset error after inserting half of the csv
CALL apoc.periodic.iterate("LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM 'https://nexus-url/repository/xxxx/dbextract.csv' AS row RETURN row", "MERGE (d:Database {dbname: row.database}) MERGE (s:Schema {schemaname: row.schema}) MERGE (t:Table {tablename: row.table}) MERGE (d)-[:HAS_SCHEMA]->(s) MERGE (s)-[:HAS_TABLE]->(t)",{batchSize: 2000, parallel: false, retires:3})
ERROR: Failed to invoke procedure 'apoc.periodic.iterate': Caused by: java.net.SocketException: Connection reset}