I want to connect Neo Converse to my own AuraDB for use. I've entered the following information for Protocol, hostname, port, database, username, and password. Can you confirm if this is correct?
protocol: neo4j+s
hostname: xxxxxxxxxxxxx.neo4j.io
port: 7687
database: neo4j
username: neo4j
password: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Is this understanding correct?
NeoConverse - Graph Database Search with Natural Language - Neo4j Labs
Yes that should be the correct.
But why? Are you unable to authenticate?
Are you able to connect/authenticate using same detail and to Neo4j browser? i.e. connecting to https://browser.neo4j.io/ and providing the values you describe?
Thank you for informing me about the content to enter for authentication.
I believe I'm not mistaken about the authentication method.
However, even when I enter and send messages in the chat, I don't receive any replies.
There might be an issue with entering the OpenAI information.
I'll try again.
Thank you for always providing detailed responses.