Classification models not listed in model catalog?

I am using as a template and have completed the steps

When I
CALL gds.beta.model.list()
I see the training model but not the classification model.

This does exist because when I re-run I get
Failed to invoke procedure Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Model with name liquidation-model already exists.

Is there a different CALL for accessing classifications models?

update: successfully saves models to the model catalog

That's odd :thinking: What GDS / Neo4j version are you running?

Hi @alicia_frame1

1.8.1/4.4.2 Enterprise

Hi @mike ,
thank your for reporting this issue!
I could verify the bug and it should be fixed in the next release (1.8.2).

FYI: I could find a problem with the classification model storing the wrong user as its creator.

Hi @florentin_dorre

Great, do you have a likely release date for 1.8.2?

@mike 1.8.2 was just released and is out now


Thanks for the update