Checking Lists Within Lists

I'm pretty sure that I've done this before, but my internet brain is not being useful today.

I need to do something like this:

WITH ("a","b","c") AS master_list
MATCH (thing:Thing {ID: "test"})-[:HAS]->(anotherthing:Thing)
WITH master_list, thing, collect(anotherthing.ID) as thinglist
// Continue with just things where NO entries in thinglist are in master_list

I know this can be done, but I'm having an aged moment :slight_smile:



Never mind...

WITH ("a","b","c") AS master_list
MATCH (thing:Thing {ID: "test"})-[:HAS]->(anotherthing:Thing)
WITH master_list, thing, collect(anotherthing.ID) as thinglist
WHERE NONE (i in thinglist where i in master_list)

I do think that this should be an example in the predicates section of the cheat sheet though...