Challenge: Testing List Inclusion


I am doing the Intermediate Cypher course and I got stuck on a challenge: Testing List Inclusion.
I don't understand why my query (below) is not valid especially concerning how I listed the languages
MATCH (p:Person)--(m:Movie)
WHERE"Actor" and"Drector" AND m.languages IN ["German" , " German"]
RETURN,labels(p), m.languages

Many thanks,

I don’t know the requirements, bu I can say that you can’t have = “Actor” and = “ Drector” being true at the same time. ‘Director’ is also misspelled.

Also, is m.languages is a list then the following predicate is not going to give you what you want. It is looking for a list in another list. It will always be false.

m.languages IN ["German" , " German"]

Try this instead:

any(i in m.languages where i in ["German" , " German"])

This will return true if the m.language list contains either “German” or “German”

I assumed you really intended to have two different languages in your list.

Thanks for your reply, the 2 properties true at the same time is something I saw elsewhere and wanted to try, but the spelling mistakes clearly wasn't helping :slight_smile:
I was curious to understand why the way I wrote the languages did not work as I use a similar query in my db, I did intend to have 2 different languages in my list. Thank you for your suggestion, I will try that

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It would have made since if you had an OR instead of an AND, as the property could be either, just not both.

In your db query, is the attribute a list as m.languages is, or is it a singular value? I suspect the later, in which cause it would work as you expected. Can you post the query part if that still doesn’t explain it?

As a note, the syntax of m.languages in [“German”,”Italian”] is not wrong. It is just that the expression is looking for a list to be a member of a list. For instance assume x=[0,1], then the following is true:

x in [[0,1],2,6]

While x in [0,1,2,6] is false

It is a singular value...I see. Thanks that was very helpful

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