Can't import owl individuals

I'm trying to import a local .owl file to neo4j using CALL n10s.onto.import.fetch("file:///C:/Users/Ozan/Desktop/ontology/PizzaTutorialWithDataV2.owl","RDF/XML") procedure. It imports classes, object properties and data properties, but not individuals. Is there any possible way to include individuals to import ?

Hi @ozanbicer
You're right, the onto.import method does not import named individuals at the moment.
We're looking into adding a config param to have them included something like this

( :warning:notice this is only suggested syntax, the feature is not implemented yet)

n10s.onto.import.fetch("...","RDF/XML", { importNamedIndividuals: true })

But the good news is you still can do it just with a bit more code. Check how in this thread on the same issue.

Thanks @jesus_barrasa . Yesterday's webinar was fun btw :slight_smile:

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