I have neo4j installed using docker-compose and successfully enabled apoc plug-in.
I'm able to use call apoc.load.jdbc("hard-coded-db-connection-string", "my-table")
to retrieve data from my database which is good.
Of course, this is not convenient, so I tried to alias the connection string by adding below to the conf/neo4j.conf.
and then restarted the container. However i can't call the apoc using the alias and I see a message in the log:
Unrecognized setting. No declared setting with name: apoc.jdbc.mydb.url
I also tried to run below to check the settings in the conf/neo4j.conf file, but the results don't show the alias line i just added.
CALL dbms.listConfig()
YIELD name, value
WHERE name STARTS WITH 'apoc.'
RETURN name, value
Wondering can someone help me troubleshooting this? Is this because I was working on the wrong conf file? Thx!