Can you dump an aura database and then load it into desktop and run it locally?

Can you dump an aura database and then load it into desktop and run it locally?

I have tried exporting the database from aura, which downloads a .backup file. However, when i try to crate the database in desktop from this file, nothing happens.


Is your Aura instance and local desktop instance running the same Neo4j version?
How are you creating the database in Desktop?

yes they are running both the version 5.

I am creating the database in desktop by clicking on:
Add > File

I then choose the .backup file that was exported from aura. After that I get a message that the file was imported successfully, however I do not see the database in my project.


i might admit this is a bit awkward but I was able to get it to work. For example, I suspect your Sanpshot from Aura is named similar to


Using Neo4j Desktop v1.6.1 and File / Add File(s) to Project you can point to this file and it will successfully report the File was Added to the Project. However the file does not then appear in the Files section under the project. However if you rename the file to be


and then File / Add File(s) to project the file should then appear. And once it appears you can then create the database from the .dump and as described at

Let me know if this does/does not work for you.


any progress/success?

Hey Dana, I can confirm that this works!

I ran into the same issue.

When the export format on AuraDB changed from *.dump to *.backup, my simple workflow for working locally broke.

I used to simply export a dump from an Aura instance and then create a local DBMS from that dump via Desktop’s UI (files pane). With *.backup files, that no longer works the same way.

There are two possible ways I’m aware of to solve this:

*Option A: Use the Neo4j-Admin tool to create a database from the .backup file with Desktop

Here are the steps I had to take:

  1. Create a new DBMS with Desktop.

  2. Open the DBMS’s terminal (from the DBMS's options dropdown).

  3. Run the following command, replacing --from-path with the actual path to the backup file:
    bin/neo4j-admin database restore --from-path=/path-to-backup-file --overwrite-destination=true
    This restores the backup into the DBMS’s default database, neo4j (hence the --overwrite-destination=true flag).
    There’s a somewhat confusing terminal warning about restoring metadata, but in my case, it could be ignored.

**Option B: Rename the .backup file to .dump

You can do this either before or after importing it into the project’s files folder. Once renamed, it will appear in the file pane, allowing you to create a new DBMS from it via the UI.

Option B is certainly easier since Option A requires navigating documentation that might be overwhelming for those less experienced with database administration.

@Dana – IMHO, it would be really beneficial if the docs were clearer about this! Or even better—could Desktop be updated to accept *.backup files in the files pane of a project, allowing us to create a DBMS from them?




THANKS SO VERY much for responding and for updating Import Aura cloud .backup file into Neo4j Desktop - #2 by pthomasz

As to the where from here.... when this issue was reported and my subsequent learning of renaming the file from .backup to .dump I then reported this to engineering ask that they improve Desktop, and that a .backup and .dump would effectively be the same.

No guarentees to when this improvement may be available

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