in my graph we have users that have 2 relation called "favorite" and "seen" with products and product have relation called has with some specification as colors(red blue...) , types(jeans....) and sizes (30...)
so i make some query that when i wanna create favorite or seen relation , it makes a relation with that specific user and the specification of that product calling "weight" and set property for that called "score" and i wanna increase this score every time user that set product to favorite or just seeing that product for example when a user see the product score change to +10 and for favorite change to +20 and then we recommend products with specifications that have most score
my query is
match (user:Users{m_id:""}),(m:Products{m_id:""})-[:HAS]->(a:Specifications)
MERGE (user) -\[:FAVORITE\]-> (m)
merge (user)-\[:WEIGHT{score:0}\]->(a)
and one more problem with this query is i dont wanna make new relation if i already have it i just wanna increase the score
You can use ‘on create’ clause with each merge to initialize each weight and use ‘on match’ to update each weight.
and one more thing how to update weight with that specific attribute
is it even possible to have some weight relation and 1 property that the property has different value ?
and if its not possible what do you think we can do
tnx for your time
hi again and tnx for helping.
do you mean something like this ?
match (user:Users{m_id:}),(m:Products{m_id:"})-[:HAS]->(a:Specifications)
MERGE (user) -[:FAVORITE]-> (m)
on create MERGE (user)-[:WEIGHT{score:10}]->(a)
i think after on create we should use SET
and one more question
how should i check that if i already created that relation , update weight
Something like the following:
match (user:Users{m_id:""})
match (m:Products{m_id:""})-[:HAS]->(a:Specifications)
merge (user) -[f:FAVORITE]-> (m)
on create set f.score = 0
on match set f.score = f.score + 10
merge (user)-[w:WEIGHT]->(a)
on create set w.score = 0
on match set w.score = w.score + 20
hello again i have one more problem😅
im adding a property for specifications that name of them is "color" "type" "size" and its called "ratio" the reason is i want to give them some coefficient to give recommend most based on types then colors and so on
so now i wanna get that ratio and multiply with weight that has relation with that sub specification
this is what i write for give recommend but couldnt save ratio in other variable and then multiply with weight
match (u:Users{m_id:"62aad7f641f29f97fbdead54"})-[w:WEIGHT]->(a:Specifications)
match (u)-[w]->(a)<-[:HAS]-(prod:Products)
match (a)-[:is]->(b:Specifications)
where b.name = "color" and w<i dont know how to select that relation> set sc = b.ratio* w
with u , prod ,collect(w.score)as scorelist, sum(w.score) as score ,sc
return u.name as user,prod.name as products ,scorelist, sc as test,score order by score desc
really help full tnx sir really appreciate