Building Neo4j Applications with Python - Unique Email Addresses Test 04 FAIL

I have worked through the lesson up to and including Unique Email Addresses and keep getting the errors below when running the pytest

FAILED - assert None is not None
FAILED - Failed: DID NOT RAISE <class 'api.exceptions.validation.ValidationException'>

I have also checked out to the 04-handle-constraint-errors branch and see the same errors when running the test. I am not able to complete my training plan without checking off this task.

When this is working should it allow login for manual testing on this app? It would be nice to see the functionality in action.

Also, when running the CREATE CONSTRIANT UserEmailUnique command in the sandbox as directed in the lesson, I am getting the following error:


Unable to create Constraint( name='UserEmailUnique', type='UNIQUENESS', schema=(:User {email}) ):
Both Node(33890) and Node(33891) have the label `User` and property `email` = ''

Hi @jessica_baker,

The constraint cannot be enforced once you have something on the DB that is conflicting with it. If you try to delete one of the nodes that have the email : "", or other nodes that have the same email I think the creation of the constraints would be successful.
