Bug in Exercise 4.2?

Hi, I'm new to Neo4j so I don't know if this is a real bug or not.
The exercise 4.2 says "Retrieve all actors that were born in the 70’s and return their names and year born" and the provided solution is:

MATCH (a:Person)
WHERE a.born >= 1970 AND a.born < 1980
RETURN a.name as Name, a.born as 'Year Born'

but I think the result doesn't contain only actors if we don't specify also the relationship :ACTED_IN like this:

MATCH (a:Person) -[:ACTED_IN] -> ()
WHERE a.born >= 1970 AND a.born < 1980
RETURN a.name as Name, a.born as 'Year Born'

Am I right?

You are absolutely correct. The question should have been, Retrieve all people, not actors.

We will correct it.

Elaine Rosenberg

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