Backup restore fails with IllegalStateException


We are testing the upgrade from 4.4 to 5.1 and have come to the point where we want to restore our 4.4 backups and migrate to the new Neo4j 5 format.

I ran the following command:

./bin/neo4j-admin database restore --expand-commands --from-path=backup/test-2022-10-31/neo4j/ --overwrite-destination=true neo4j

Which resulted in the following log:

2022-10-31 10:32:03.996+0000 INFO [c.n.c.b.r.v.RestoreDatabaseExecutor] Restoring database 'neo4j' from backup folder: /var/lib/neo4j/backup/test-2022-10-31/neo4j
2022-10-31 10:32:04.553+0000 INFO [c.n.c.b.r.v.RestoreDatabaseExecutor] You need to execute /var/lib/neo4j/data/scripts/neo4j/restore_metadata.cypher. To execute the file use cypher-shell command with parameter `neo4j`
2022-10-31 10:32:04.554+0000 INFO [c.n.c.b.r.v.RestoreDatabaseExecutor] Start recovering database 'neo4j'.
Fail to restore database 'neo4j' from path=`/var/lib/neo4j/backup/test-2022-10-31/neo4j`. Error details=IllegalStateException: Checkpoint record pointed to LogPosition{logVersion=0, byteOffset=64}, but log commit entry not found at that position. Last checked position: LogPosition{logVersion=0, byteOffset=1113}
Restore command wasn't execute successfully
Run with '--verbose' for a more detailed error message.

This happens for incremental and full backups. What can we do to fix this issue?

Nevermind, forgot to run with prepare-restore=true