Neo4j issue with transaction

org.neo4j.graphdb.TransactionFailureException: Failure to begin transaction
at org.neo4j.kernel.InternalAbstractGraphDatabase.beginTx(
Caused by: org.neo4j.kernel.api.exceptions.TransactionFailureException: Kernel has encountered some problem, please perform necessary action (tx recovery/restart)
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Cannot apply update with given version 22634 when base version is 22669

Once i restarted it the issue was fixed but this has become very frequent


hard to say what the issue is given so little detail.

Do you know the Neo4j version?
Do you have details of what leads up to this error, i.e when i run MERGE and the MERGE contains ... or when I then I encounter the error.

HI I am using version 2.2.3 (this is very old) and it seems i dont have much documentation around it. When i restarted it the neo4j was up but this has been very frequent.


yes Neo4j 2.2.3 Neo4j 2.2.3 - Graph Database & Analytics is some 7+ yrs old :frowning:

How much configuration change required to migrate to version like 4.X. Does latest version have API changes as well


in 7+ yrs there are a whole lot of changes. off the top of my head

  • 4.x support multiple databases within a Neo4j DBMS. To which the API thus changes as you now need to specify the database

Thanks for the info...One last query my neo4j database have mostly read calls throughout the week. The batch insertion does full delete and full load in weekend and it creates all files and transaction logs.
Then we copy these files to database path configured in neo4j.

Since mostly i am getting issue related to transaction recovery can transaction file be deleted when copying from weekend full refresh.


no you cant simply delete files from under graph.db and without using product surface (i.e. command line tools etc). maybe this is the cause of your failures, that you are taking actions not supported

No as of now we have not deleted anything manually just wondering how come its throwing transaction issue and after restart i getting fixed.

"Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Cannot apply update with given version 22634 when base version is 22669" I have seen this error many times now and wondering may be this error related to transaction files not too sure.