Hi, this is super simple for a non-aura setup using the APOC apoc.export.query function however, that's disabled on Neo4j-Aura due to security reasons (from what I read).
What I need to do:
- Export data/sub-graph from Neo4j Aura
- Import data to local neo4j
Consider the following graph.
I've tried:
match (a {syncLocal: true})-[r *0..1]-(x) return *
and the sub-set of data I get back is following:
│"a" │"r" │"x" │
│{"type":"rawTag","syncLocal":true,"source":["gtm","publisher"]}│[] │{"type":"rawTag","syncLocal":true,"source":["gtm","publisher"]}│
│{"type":"rawTag","syncLocal":true,"source":["gtm","publisher"]}│[{}]│{"syncLocal":true,"type":"dataTag","status":"needs review"} │
│{"type":"rawTag","syncLocal":true,"source":["publisher"]} │[] │{"type":"rawTag","syncLocal":true,"source":["publisher"]} │
│{"type":"rawTag","syncLocal":true,"source":["publisher"]} │[{}]│{"syncLocal":true,"type":"dataTag","status":"needs review"} │
│{"type":"interestGroup","syncLocal":true} │[] │{"type":"interestGroup","syncLocal":true} │
The label-data is missing, so this doesn't get me all the information I would need to re-create this locally.
Please advise,