After upgrading ram in our on prem server from 32GB to 64GB Neo4j does not want to start up and gives the following error:
2019-11-01 11:47:14.358+0000 INFO ======== Neo4j 3.5.12 ========
2019-11-01 11:47:14.362+0000 INFO Starting...
2019-11-01 11:47:14.855+0000 INFO Initiating metrics...
2019-11-01 11:47:16.742+0000 INFO Sending metrics to CSV file at /var/lib/neo4j/metrics
2019-11-01 11:47:17.240+0000 INFO Bolt enabled on
java: malloc.c:2401: sysmalloc: Assertion `(old_top == initial_top (av) && old_size == 0) || ((unsigned long) (old_size) >= MINSIZE && prev_inuse (old_top) && ((unsigned long) old_end & (pagesize - 1)) == 0)' failed.
So at 32GB it was something along the lines of 24GB Heap Max and 5GB page cache.
At 64GB it is currently 48GB heap max and 10g page cache.
However after the upgrade I tried both values and still got a value. I was able to resolve the issue by delete all neo4j data, including the database and restoring from yesterdays dump. Luckily no writes had been made between those 2 days.
So turns out the issue is back, same error as well as a jvm error below:
2019-11-07 12:38:08.771+0000 INFO ======== Neo4j 3.5.12 ========
2019-11-07 12:38:08.777+0000 INFO Starting...
2019-11-07 12:38:09.315+0000 INFO Initiating metrics...
2019-11-07 12:38:10.053+0000 INFO Sending metrics to CSV file at /var/lib/neo4j/metrics
2019-11-07 12:38:10.352+0000 INFO Bolt enabled on
A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment:
SIGSEGV (0xb) at pc=0x00007efbfef6c0dd, pid=2287, tid=0x00007efaded4b700
Java VM: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (25.222-b10 mixed mode linux-amd64 compressed oops)
Problematic frame:
C []# [ timer expired, abort... ]
This occurred after an abrupt power cut, after restoring the database from my daily backups the problem still persists. If I remove the database and start fresh then the database starts up fine.
My Neo4j config file can be found here: Neo4j.conf · GitHub
Got rid of that error by deleting count store .a and count store .b
However we are back to the original error of:
2019-11-07 13:38:53.081+0000 INFO ======== Neo4j 3.5.12 ========
2019-11-07 13:38:53.090+0000 INFO Starting...
2019-11-07 13:38:54.042+0000 INFO Initiating metrics...
2019-11-07 13:38:59.459+0000 INFO Sending metrics to CSV file at /var/lib/neo4j/metrics
2019-11-07 13:38:59.799+0000 INFO Bolt enabled on
java: malloc.c:2401: sysmalloc: Assertion `(old_top == initial_top (av) && old_size == 0) || ((unsigned long) (old_size) >= MINSIZE && prev_inuse (old_top) && ((unsigned long) old_end & (pagesize - 1)) == 0)' failed.