Hello again!
I have a relatively simple problem I can't figure out. I'm trying to "merge" relationships over from one node to another node with relationships of its own; Ideally, if the below worked I'd be in the clear but I get "variable r2 already defined" ;(
match (n:user {other_id:"me"})-[r]-() with r, n
match (temp:user {btcID: n.ID}) where not exists(temp.other_id) match (temp)-[r2]-()
Create / Merge (n)-[r2]-(z) //or set r = r + r2
detach delete temp
return n
I'm trying to append the matched relationships connected to the temp node, switch them over to the existing "me" node, and then delete the temp node. Is there a way to do this without apoc?
Thanks again, really appreciate all thehelp received here :D