I have a great query, which let's me clone nodes, and then merge them, which maintains the original node in case I merged incorrectly. I would love an edge
(a1) --[MERGED]->(node)
To essentially connect the originals with the newly merged clones. How might I do that in this query?
MATCH (a1), (a2)
WHERE id(a1) = {{"Source":node}} AND id(a2) = {{"Target":node}}
SET a1:Merged, a2:Merged
SET a1.uuidoriginal = a1.uuid
SET a2.uuidoriginal = a2.uuid
WITH head(collect([a1,a2])) as nodes
CALL apoc.refactor.cloneNodes(nodes, true, ["uuid"])
YIELD input, output
SET output.uuid = apoc.create.uuid()
WITH collect(output) as nodes
CALL apoc.refactor.mergeNodes(nodes,{
properties: "combine",
YIELD node
SET node.name = apoc.text.join(node.name,",")
REMOVE node:Merged
I'm working with extremely simple test data right now
(a1:Person {name: Test 8, uuid: ec6b63e1-e82d-4ef5-8c3c-34639e34d027})
(a2:Person {name: Test 9, uuid: 1150197b-47df-4725-b30a-1a61f4f69037})
(b: Entity {name: Company, uuid: bd0b9480-186a-42e9-92b8-7a253b619453})
My current results
(a1:Person:Merged {name: Test 8, uuid: ec6b63e1-e82d-4ef5-8c3c-34639e34d027, uuidoriginal: ec6b63e1-e82d-4ef5-8c3c-34639e34d027})
(a2:Person:Merged {name: Test 9, uuid: 1150197b-47df-4725-b30a-1a61f4f69037, uuidoriginal: 1150197b-47df-4725-b30a-1a61f4f69037})
(c:Person {name: Test 8, Test 9, uuid: [ 8fe2428e-c53a-4bc4-b0aa-b7069db95bd9, feb8ae7a-2918-4242-be61-d299abfbed68], uuidoriginal: [ec6b63e1-e82d-4ef5-8c3c-34639e34d027, 1150197b-47df-4725-b30a-1a61f4f69037]})
What I am missing
This sounds very silly, it was working the whole time. I was working in visualization software and had not turned the edge MERGED on in the schema! Thank you for your extra effort and the solution, really appreciate it! Your query worked.