Apoc.periodic.iterate() parallelization not working with Python driver

Hi everyone,

when I run the following query in Browser:

WITH $hostname AS hostname, $username AS username, $password AS password
CALL apoc.periodic.iterate(
                CALL apoc.load.jdbc($hostname,  \"  SELECT \\\"id\\\", \\\"attribute1\\\", \\\"attribute2\\\" FROM service \", [], {credentials:{user:$username, password: $password}}) YIELD row
                WITH row
                        WITH row
                        MERGE (s:Service {id: toInteger(row.id)})
                        ON CREATE SET 
                                s.attribute1 = toInteger(row.attribute1),
                        ON MATCH SET
                                s.attribute1 = toInteger(row.attribute1)
                        WITH row
                        MERGE (sl:SLA {id: toInteger(row.id)})
                        ON CREATE SET
                                sl.attribute2 = row.attribute2
                        ON MATCH SET
                                sl.attribute2 = row.attribute2,
	{batchSize:2000, parallel:true, retries: 5, params: {hostname: hostname, username: username, password: password}}
YIELD batches, total, timeTaken, committedOperations, failedOperations, failedBatches, retries, errorMessages, batch, operations, wasTerminated, failedParams, updateStatistics
RETURN batches, total, timeTaken, committedOperations, failedOperations, failedBatches, retries, errorMessages, batch, operations, wasTerminated, failedParams, updateStatistics;

I can see that there is a lot of transaction being opened (as mentioned in the docs: apoc.periodic.iterate - APOC Documentation).

When I execute the same query with session.write_transaction, there is only one transactions running at the same time, so single threaded and no parallelisation.

Did someone get to see/notice this behaviour? If so, is there any way to achieve the same thing as via Browser.

Thanks in advance!