The query is the following (there're 640 million process nodes)
CALL apoc.periodic.iterate("MATCH(e:Process) MATCH (f:Process{}) RETURN e,f",
{batchSize:5000, parallel: true}) YIELD batch
It return the error message
The allocation of an extra 2.0 MiB would use more than the limit 21.0 GiB. Currently using 21.0 GiB. threshold reached
After setting the related-configuration, although the error message do not show up but it take lots of time and no result should yet, even try difference batch size (100,500,1000).
This may due to there're 640 million node, since in the case of 300 million node it takes 1 hour to show the result and no error message.
Problem : How can I get over in this situation except create index for help? Thanks.